
We aim to ship orders within 7 to 14 days of your order. We always attempt to publish the latest estimated lead times on our site. The lead time is for production only, it does not include delivery time so be sure to factor this in for your upcoming trip.

The shipping rate is automatically calculated at checkout.

Import Fees General

For orders outside of the EU, a customs/import fee may be due. Keep an eye out for contact from the postal service or courier asking for funds before they release the package. This will normally be a small duty charge and then your relevant sales tax (VAT equivalent). It is your responsibility to inform yourself of these charges before purchasing; please check online to find your country’s rate and what applies to you. An estimate would be roughly 25% of the final value of your order, including shipping.

Delivery and Failed Delivery

It is your responsibility to collect your delivery in a timely fashion. If an item is returned to us as undeliverable then we will have to charge you for re-delivery - keep an eye out for emails from us detailing information about your order so you are ready to receive it.